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时间:2023-06-30 09:56:47



I will always leave you the place that belongs to you. It's your business whether you come back or not. It's my business to wait for you.我会一直把属于你的地方留给你.你回不回来是你的事,等不等你是我的事. You are my today and all of Tomorrows.你是我的今天和所有的明天。 Only if you asked to see me, our meeting would be meaningful.只有你想见我的时候,我们的相遇才有意义。 Life for what you like.为自己喜欢的一切而活 It's a singer, nice to meet you.都是风景,幸会 I play love you for a long time and love of giving up on you.我打算爱你很久很久 没有想要放弃的念头 See you. I feel more less adapted the world.“你向我靠近,我为你而来”


–Do you love me? -Of course! -How much do you love me? -You can go to look at the moon in the sky!


1、许我所有,盼你枕边相守。 I hope you can stay by your pillow. 2、因为是你所以我患得患失! Because it is you, so I worry about gain and loss! 3、爱情是个梦,而我总是睡过头。 Love is a dream, and I always oversleep. 4、在爱情里,永远不要抱怨什么。 In love, never complain about anything. 5、再好的东西,都有失去的一天。 No matter how good things are, they will lose one day. 6、他爱旳万劫不复,没有退路。 There is no way out for his love. 7、有多少喜欢,就有多少心酸。 How much you like, how much heartache. 8、你给的爱太重,我承受不了。 Your love is too heavy for me to bear. 9、待繁华落尽,贻你一世春风。 Wait for prosperity to fall, Yi you a spring breeze. 10、始终保持矜持,这是女人之道。 It's a woman's way to always be reserved. 11、我怕失去你,所以迟迟未开口。 I was afraid of losing you, so I didn't speak. 12、还有什么比两性相爱更美丽的? What is more beautiful than love?


下面这句话就是关于爱情的 contiued love story We must live together Or die together and Remember that I love you so much and so Do you! 我们要么活在一起,要么死在一块。 请记住我是如此的爱你,你也是如此的爱我!