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时间:2023-10-08 12:05:53



A: Your birthday is coming in a week.Where do you want to eat? A:再过一个星期你就要过生日了,你想去哪里吃饭呢? B:I had wanted to have hot pot,but the other day a friend visited me and we had hot pot already. B: 我原本想吃火锅,不过前两天一个朋友来看我,我们就吃了火锅。 A: Well,we should go to a special place for you birthday. A:你过生日我们应该去一个特别的地方。 B: You are right.You know what? I have an idea now. B:你说得对。你猜怎么样?我现在有一个主意了。 A: Oh?What is it? A: 哦?什么主意? B:I think I want to try a western restaurant.You know I have never been to one before. B:我觉得想去吃吃西餐。你知道我没有吃过西餐


小度应该不能用英语对话。 因为用中文他都有时候听不清,点英文歌识别率大概有百分之八十吧!想跟小度对话需要打开极客模式,英文非常好的话可以试试!


A: hey, john! how you doing? B: not too bad, and you? A: good. is your school going? B: pretty good actually, i had make many new friend already! A: wow, that's good. good for you!