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时间:2023-06-28 17:15:46


关于双减自律的名人名言 英语?

1、苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。 Hard working people never bear the burden of life. They can swallow Wu after 3000 years. 2、人生不得行胸怀,虽寿百岁犹为无也。 You can't live with your heart, even if you are a hundred years old. 3、努力了的才叫梦想,不努力的就是空想。 Hard work is called dream, not hard is fantasy. 4、山不难爬,只要你肯,山巔在其脚下。 It's not difficult to climb the mountain, as long as you are willing, the mountain top is at its foot. 5、抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 Hope for the best and plan for the worst.


保持自律 Keep self-discipline; 自律的英语缩写是sd。 自律的英文:self-discipline ; Keep 保持,处于;继续 扩展资料 守时需要自律,而缺乏自律就会影响到他人。 To be punctual one has to have self-discipline, and the lack of it affects others.


自律即自由这个原则是含义是,人们在遵守规则、制定计划、执行目标时会获得内心的自由和宁静 因为自律能够使人们意志坚定,保持一种自由和掌控自己的状态 "Self-discipline is freedom"


When people are in the publ ic, they have the sense that theyshouldnotspeakloudlyinthepubl icplaceandtheyshouldnotjumpthel ineandsoon, thesearerulesforthem, thoughit isnotthelawmakes it,but the power of moral ity.Self-behave seems easyto do,butwhen thegreattemptation comes,self- behavewil l bechanged quickly.




We know that in China, a large number of students graduate from school every year, there are so many new workers, there are not enough jobs for them, the competition is becoming more and more fierce, as more and more enterprises close down, many workers have to escape this phenomenon, leading to in China, more people must stay at home, if a person has no high education, he will be in the future of China It's hard to find a job. I think ing a skill may be one of the best foundations for finding a job in China,. 中文翻译: 我们知道,在我们中国,每年都有大量的学生从学校毕业,有那么多的新工人,没有足够的职位给他们,竞争越来越激烈,随着越来越多的企业倒闭,许多工人不得不逃避这一现象,导致了在中国,更多的人必须呆在家里,如果一个人没有高学历,他在未来的中国很难找到工作,我认为掌握一种技能可能是在中国找工作的最好基础之一,。


台上一分钟,台下十年功.One minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage.