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时间:2023-06-27 10:22:11



May you still be a teenager here and still have the ambition of swallowing mountains and rivers. The unexpected encounter will start in water under the bridge from one day. There is still glory in the youth until they are old. It's the best game, the desperate game and the winning game.


1、有时候,没有下一次,没有机会重来,没有暂停继续。 sometimes, there is no next time, no chance to come back, no pause to continue. 2、青春的幻想既狂热又可爱。 the fantasy of youth is fanatical and lovely. 3、人就应该趁年轻好好打拼,哪怕死了也不后悔。 people should work hard while they are young, even if they die without regret. 4、青春如梦,岁月如花,流水似年,稍纵即逝,所以请珍惜青春。 youth is like a dream, years like flowers, water like years, fleeting, so please cherish youth. 5、青春具有永恒的魅力,它愈发历久弥新。 youth has eternal charm, it is more and more lasting.