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时间:2023-06-15 18:03:35



In front of the Chinese side,you don't have the qualification to say that you want to talk to China from the position of strength.


dont say you wont fall. say youll get up.-miriam homann.不要说你是不会跌倒的。说你会再站起来。 2. wherever you go, whatever you do, i will be right here waiting for you.无论你身在何处,无论你为何忙碌,我都会在此守候。 3. save your heart for someone who cares.为了某个在乎你的人,请节约你的真心。


以下是一些在Ins上爆红的英文句子,带有一些霸气的味道: "Haters gonna hate, but I'm just gonna shake it off." - Taylor Swift "Be the game changer, the world is full of followers." - Unknown "I am not a one in a million kind of girl. I am a once in a lifetime kind of woman." - Unknown "I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong." - Unknown "I never lose. Either I win or I learn." - Nelson Mandela "I'm not lucky, I'm just a badass." - Unknown "I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I know what I'm capable of." - Unknown 请注意:这些句子都有不同的背景和语境,使用时需要根据具体情况进行适当的调整。


英语励志名言短句: 1.From small beginnings comes great things.伟大始于渺小。 2.Birth is much, but breeding is more.出身固然重要,教养更且重要。3.Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.不经灾难不知福。4.Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed .不放弃就有成功的机会。5.All things come to those who wait.苍天不负有心人。6.Nothing seek, nothing find.无所求则无所获。英语网名: sun(太阳) sunshine(阳光) effort(努力) cheer(欢呼) persistence(坚持不懈) I can do(我能行) believe(相信) dream(梦想) fight(奋斗) tomorrow(明天)


英语励志名言短句: 1.From small beginnings comes great things.伟大始于渺小。 2.Birth is much, but breeding is more.出身固然重要,教养更且重要。 3.Misfortunes tell us what fortune is.不经灾难不知福。 4.Never give up, Never lose the opportunity to succeed .不放弃就有成功的机会。 5.All things come to those who wait.苍天不负有心人。 6.Nothing seek, nothing find.无所求则无所获。 英语网名: sun(太阳) sunshine(阳光) effort(努力) cheer(欢呼) persistence(坚持不懈) I can do(我能行) believe(相信) dream(梦想) fight(奋斗) tomorrow(明天)


英语励志名言短句: 1.Fromsmallbeginningscomesgreatthings.伟大始于渺小。 2.Birthismuch,butbreedingismore.出身固然重要,教养更且重要。 3.Misfortunestelluswhatfortuneis.不经灾难不知福。 4.Nevergiveup,Neverlosetheopportunitytosucceed.不放弃就有成功的机会。 5.Allthingscometothosewhowait.苍天不负有心人。 6.Nothingseek,nothingfind.无所求则无所获。英语网名:sun(太阳)sunshine(阳光)effort(努力)cheer(欢呼)persistence(坚持不懈)Icando(我能行)believe(相信)dream(梦想)fight(奋斗)tomorrow(明天)