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时间:2023-06-07 15:18:20


make a decision 与decide的区别?

make a decision 是做出一个决定的意思,而decide则是决定的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: We have made a decision, decided to sell our investment property, as the market is hot and we don't want to have many troubles. 我们已经做出决定,决定出售我们的投资物业,因为市场很热,我们不想有很多麻烦。

make a decision后接哪个介词?

后接介词on或about ,make a decision on (about)为固定搭配,中文意思是对...作出决定,就某事做决定 例如 We'll make a decision on that further down the line. 我们将在以后的阶段对此问题作出决策。 2. We can't make a decision based on hearsay and guesswork. 我们不能根据传言和猜测作决定。 3. Don't you wanna just make a decision on your own? 你为什么不自己做一次决定呢?


make decision是错误的。 make decisions 读音:英 [meɪk dɪˈsɪʒənz] 美 [meɪk dɪˈsɪʒənz] 释义:做出决策,决策。 语法:decision的基本意思是“决定”“抉择”“判决”,引申可表示“决议”,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。decision经常与动词 make,reach,arrive at,give,come to等词连用(但不可用do),均表示“作出决定”。 例句: He was finding it increasingly difficult to make decisions. 他发现越来越难以作出决定。