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时间:2023-05-24 09:16:33


be proud of和be proud in的区别?

后面跟的成分不同。 be proud of后面加人, 为某人感到骄傲 be proud in后面加某物某事,为某件事感到骄傲

be confident of和be confident in有什么区别?

be confident of和be confident in的区别 be confident of 対有信心是一个形容词短語;have confidence in 有信心是一个名词短语,两者词性不同,应用也不同。 confident of 大意为:对做什么事情有信心/确信干什么事 例句: I have every reason to be confident of our victory.我有充分的理由坚信胜利胜利是属于我们的。 As long as that popularity lasts, Mr Kirchner can be confident of outpointing Mr Duhalde. 只要这种声望持续下去,基什内尔就可以自信地指出杜哈德。 confident in 大意为:对某人有信心 例如: Be confident in your judgment and believe in yourself to get things right.我们要对自己的判断有信心,相信自己能把事情做好。 So I would be confident in predicting that this will turn out to be the problem. 所以我可以很自信地预测,这将成为问题所在。

be confident后面接with还是in?

be confident后面不接with而是in,be confident in为固定词组,相当于have confidence in,中文意思是“对……有信心” “读者必须对我们杂志发表的结论有信心,”麦克纳特在一篇社论中写道。"Readers must be confident in/have confidence in the conclusions published in our journal," writes McNutt in an editorial.


1.Buoyed by their win yesterday the team feel confident of further success.在昨天胜利的鼓舞下,该队有信心再次获胜。 2.Despite the recession the company is confident of further expansion.尽管经济衰退,公司对进一步扩展仍充满信心。 3.She is confident of victory in Saturday's final.她对在星期六决赛中取得胜利充满信心。

be pround of和be pride of的区别?

be pround of释义: 自豪,高兴;以……而骄傲 例句: Her new slimmer figure filled her with confidence, so the mother-of-two asked Pete to marry her again so she could have a wedding album she could be proud of. 瘦身成功后的佐伊找回了自信,现在已经是两个孩子的母亲的她希望皮特能和自己再结一次婚,这样她就能拥有自豪的结婚照了。 视频: 释义: 是骄傲的 例句: I want you be pround of me. I hope you enjoy oneself. 我想让您因我而自豪。我希望你能过得快乐! be pride of释义: 是骄傲的 例句: That is great , be pride of youself! You can! 这点你要感到自己很骄傲!

be pround of和be pride of的区别?

两者意思是“为…骄傲/自豪” 语法上看,be pround of=be pride of 用法上看,二者有区别,be pround of强调处于的状态,而be pride of则是强调自豪这一动作,be pride of 一般与物something连用


be confident to do sth be confident of (doing) sth 两个都表示自信的做什么 be confident in sb、 对某人很有信心/相信某人