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时间:2023-05-23 09:37:45


put on 等于lose weight吗?

put on不等于lose weight put on: 穿上;上演;增加;假装;使…上场 lose weight: v. 减肥;体重减轻 When you are stressed take time to put on a smile .当你感到压力,你该抽出时间装个微笑。 Why would you put on a costume ?你们为什么要穿上这套服装呢? Chief mandela put on a canary-yellow sport coat .曼德拉酋长穿上淡黄色的运动外套。 I could do everything but put on my socks .除了穿袜子,其它任何事情我都能做。 He got out of bed and put on some clothes .他从床上起来,穿上几件衣服。 But it won 't take a superman to put on this super device .但是要穿上这套设备,并不是只有超人才行。

put on 等于lose weight吗?

put on 穿上;穿;戴;涂;抹;上演;举办;展出;增加(体重);打开(设备、装置等);播放(唱片、磁带或CD光盘);烹调;加热;对…下赌注;押赌注于…;提高…的成本(或价值);(行为举止)lose weight 减肥;体重减轻 take off weight synonym: reduce; melt off; slim; slenderize; thin; slim down

lose weight 还是lose weights?

是lose weights意思是减重 By lifting heavy weights, you are sending a signal to your body that you want to preserve your muscle mass, and that you only want to lose fat, not muscle. 通过举起重物,你在向自己的身体发送一个信号:你想保持身体的肌肉,你只是想减掉脂肪而不是减掉