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时间:2023-05-21 09:50:32



区别: 1、后面接的动词形式不同。be afraid to后接动词原形,即be afraid to do。而be afraid of后接动词ing形式,即be afraid of doing。 例句:He thinks that some workers may be afraid to put questions publicly. 他认为一些工人可能害怕公开提问。 She might not be afraid of implicating her sister. 她可能不怕连累了姐姐。 2、be afraid to后只能接动词原形。而be afraid of后不仅可以接动词ing形式,还可以接名词,也可以什么都不接。例句: Why should a great community like a university be afraid of nihilism? 为什么像大学这样人才济济的社区要害怕虚无主义呢? However great the difficulties, there's nothing to be afraid of. 困难再大也没什么可怕的。 3、后面接动词时,两者意思有些出入。be afraid to do表示不敢做某事,而be afraid of doing表示担心出现某种后果。例句: John was afraid to cross the bridge,for he was afraid of falling into the river. 约翰不敢过桥,因为他担心掉到河里。


worried adj. 感到担忧的;感到烦恼的。常组成:be worried about 对....担忧/烦恼。 afraid adj. 害怕;恐怕。常用于: be afraid of ... 害怕..... be afraid to do .... 害怕干....


worried 担心常见释义 英[ˈwʌrid] 美[ˈwɜːrid] v. 担心;担忧;发愁;使担心;使担忧;使发愁;骚扰;烦扰;使不安宁;


worried 是担心的,担忧的,而afraid是害怕的,两个词意思不同。而且afraid后常常加that从句。


变形为unafraid,例如: 1.Diane felt very calm and unafraid as she saw him off the next morning.黛安娜第二天早上送他走的时候,内心很平静,也不害怕。 2.Unafraid to look deep into the miasma at the heart of the world.不害怕看到世界中心深处的毒气。


[əˈfreɪd], 谐音: 欧服乐得 adj. 害怕的;恐怕;担心的 I'm afraid to tell her the truth! 我不敢告诉她真相! She did not seem at all afraid. 她一点儿也没显得害怕。 I'm afraid you guessed wrong. 恐怕你猜错了。 I'm afraid I never wrote back. 我恐怕从未写过回信。 I was afraid of the other boys. 我害怕其他的男孩子们。 She was afraid of going mad. 她担心变疯。