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on which什么意思?用法?急用

时间:2023-06-08 09:58:18


in which强调句的类型和用法?

一、in which的用法 1、in which只可以用在定语从句中,相当于where,在定语从句中用作状语,一般where作连词时,含义比in which更广泛、更笼统。 2、一般in which与where是相等的,而且都是修饰先行词是表示地点。 二、例句: 1、The house in which I live is beautibul. 我住的房子很漂亮。 2、Coercion,pursuit tracking and other ways in which the children are eating is a chore. 坑蒙拐骗,威逼利诱,跟踪追击等办法使孩子感到吃饭是一件讨厌的事。 扩展资料: in which结构:介词+关系代词结构 “介词+which”就是把介词提到关系代词 which 之前,它是定语从句中常见的语言现象: 介词+which可以替代关系副词when,where,why。 1、替代when I'll never forget the day on which(=when)my son was born. 我永远忘不了我儿子出生的那一天。 2、替代where This is the office in which(=where)I used to work. 这就是我过去工作过的办公室。 3、替代why I‘d like you to explain the reason for which(=why)you refused my offer. 我想让你解释一下你拒绝我的帮助的原因。

在定语从句中,in which,on which,by which,from which的区别?

主要是看后面状语的搭配 比如,i live in guangdong,in which(=where) crops grow here. 这里后面的意思应该是,crops grow in guangdong ,所以用in(地点) i caught the bus ,on which i met my teacher. 这里后面的意思应该是i met my teacher on the bus,所以用on(地点) i like ,by which i improve my english 这里应该是 i improve my english by reading english.所以用by(方式) i like skiing,from which i can get a lot of happiness. 这里是 i can get a lot of happiness from skiing。 所以用from 做这种题,你先看看后面那个从句里要搭配什么样的介词,做熟了就容易了。


inwhich释义: 书中 例句: You must return wheelchairs, other mobility aids, and other assistive devices to the passenger in the condition inwhich you received them. 归还时轮椅,移动辅助装置,或其它辅助装置的状态应该与接收时一致。 onwhich释义:


in which:在......里面;on which:在......的上面,或具体时间的某一天 on which 和 in which 都可以用来引导定语从句,修饰先行词,区别在于介词on/in 这取决于先行词的搭配 比如: I can't forget the day on which we had a party.这个句子,先行词是day,原本的搭配是on the day. I like the room in which there are many toys.这句话的先行词是room,词组搭配是in the room。

in which等于where还是when?

一般说来,可以这样替换: where=in/on/at/during/by etc.which.例如: This is the farm【where/on which 】we worked last week. 含有短语搭配 work on the farm.在农场上干活 This is the factory【where /in which】we worked last week.在某一具体地方,指地点 This is the period of time【when/in/during which】we stayed together.在某一时段内,指时间 That is the day【when/on which 】we got to know each other.在具体的某一天,指时间

in which等于where,那on which等于where吗?

可以这么理解,你这么理解是对的,但反过来就不行。in which 和 on which特定情况都能代替where,但用in 还是on要看搭配名词来决定。